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Tech Support
If it's tech-related, it's in here. Also, have your tried turning it off and on?
How do I create a PDF?
Turning your docs into easy-to-upload PDFs only takes a few seconds. Just follow these instructions for Windows and Mac. Print to PDF (Windows) Open a file in a Windows application. Choose File Print. Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box. To customize the Adobe PDF print setting, click the Properties (or Preferences) button. In some applications, you may need to click Setup in the Print dialog box top open the list of printers, and then click Properties or
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What type file format can I use (i.e. PDF, PNG, TIF, JPG etc.)?
You can upload PDFs and any image file including png and jpegs.
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I made a mistake and need to go back, but the website is timing out — what do I do?
Log back into your account and check the ‘Your Loan’ section — it’ll let you start where you left off.
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